COVER REVEAL for Shards Of My Heart by Nicole Andrews Moore

shards of my heart

COVER REVEAL for Shards Of My Heart by Nicole Andrews Moore


When I took the vows for better or worse, I meant them. Then I started to wonder if there was a limit as to how much worse I was supposed to endure. Am I supposed to stay if worse means that me and my daughter are in danger? What if the worse was because of a mental illness? When is enough simply too much?
This is a different kind of love story. Read Nina’s journals for a tale of hope, strength of spirit, and unconditional love.

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Shane loved walking around without a shirt on, showing off his muscular physique.  Honestly, I loved seeing him, loved touching his bare skin.  In that moment, he leaned his back against the counter and faced me.  Without thinking, I walked into his open arms, inhaled his scent to imprint it upon my soul, and kissed the broken heart tribal tattoo on his chest.
Shane: Are you trying to heal my broken heart?
Shaking my head, I responded.
me: Nope.  Just loving you.
Shane: Good.  It can’t be fixed.
He looked down and instead of wrapping me up and pulling me closer, he stiffened and stood straight.
Shane: Sometimes, I think you are only attracted to me because you want to fix me.
His demeanor had me tensing up.  Somehow, I knew what I said next was going to be really important.  Shaking my head, I found the words I sought.
me: Baby, until I got to know you, I didn’t even know you were broken.
That softened him.  My words worked.  They were magic.  He admired my ability to communicate, to speak eloquently, to make an impact through simple speech.  Words did not come easily for him.
He held me close.  Bending his head, his chin in my hair, he finally spoke what was clearly bothering him.
Shane: You make me want to be a better man, but I don’t want to change.  What are we going to do about that?
With my chin on his chest, staring up into his pained eyes, I told him the truth.  There was only one way I knew to make this work.
me: I’m going to love you through it.  No matter what, come what may, I promise I’ll love you the best I can with all that I am.
I meant it, too.

Must be he liked my response because within seconds, his lips closed the distance to mine.  That kiss.  That love.

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Author Bio

Nicki has lived in Charlotte, North Carolina with her children for the past twelve years and her husband for the past four. Her journey has barely begun and she has loved every minute of it. Every day of her life seems to bring new adventures, some bigger, better, shinier and prettier than others. She’s still getting used to that new life smell she’s experiencing, a combination of hope, love, and happiness. (The perfect scents to build a new life on…)

For fun, she spends time with those she cares about, cooks, reads, writes, and especially lives to travel. The current travel goal: visit every Margaritaville. Three down! (Eleven to go?)

In May, Nicki started the blog Stories and Swag to promote authors. Several months later, she started Stories and Swag Tours, a blog tour company offering cover reveals, release blitzes, release parties on Facebook, and blog tours. In addition, she started Dominatrix Publishing, a boutique publishing company, to help other authors achieve publishing success.

Her writing can also be found on Shine, where she is a Shine Parenting Guru and an award winning Yahoo! Contributor on YourWisdom as the relationship and dating expert. In addition, she has been published by McClatchy News in their syndicated papers.

Her books can be found on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Apple, and Smashwords in ebook, paperback, and even some audiobooks.

Phoenix – Raine Anthony


**I received this book in exchange for an honest review**

Phoenix by Raine Anthony was a delight to read. The story was catchy, believable, and also 100% entertaining. What I really enjoyed about this book was that it was totally realistic. The issues both main characters had to struggle with were nothing close to great, and I could really see and feel the reasons for their misery.

Phoenix starts out with a young woman, Eve who practically ran away from her God- awful family to start a new life without fear and abuse. While suffering from anxiety attacks, Eve tries her best to fit into the world she never knew. Namely, a normal world. One without violence from her brother Maxwell. And thanks to her older brother, Eve has been through hell and back, and has suffered ever since she was a small child from fear. Now that Eve was in a different town, far away from her past, there was nothing standing in her way….nothing but her fear of everything.

One of Eve´s new neighbors is the mysterious Phoenix who lives just down the road. No one really knows much about the guy except the fact that he keeps to himself. While living in the rather small town in the country, Eve senses Phoenix can use a friend….because she feels just as lonely as Phoenix acts. But what Eve doesn´t know is that her mystery , God like, beautiful neighbor has his own suffering to deal with. One fine day, Eve bumps into her rude, but silent neighbor at a bar. And after that….a small and slow relationship with lots of ups and downs begin. Both try their best to overcome the awful things that haunt them. But does their love stand a chance against all the gossip in town about them? Are both capable of love eventhough they have never known the feeling or meaning of it?

I really enjoyed to read about how these main characters managed to get through each day with their very own suffering and insecurities. When someone suffers from anxiety, it´s hard to cope with what life throws at you. The author did a fab job in writing about how her characters dealt with their demons. The subject was displayed in 100% detail and the best of all……it was real. I could easily see two broken souls finding each other and helping one another to make everything better. The bond Phoenix and Eve had was fantastic.

When I first read about Eve, I felt sorry for her. The crap she went through to get to where she ended up was astounding. BUT….alot of scenes also made me proud of Eve. Her struggling was by no means easy, and I felt for the young woman through and through. And when the moment came where she switched and became a stronger version of her pityful self….I felt so much better! lol…..I just couldn´t stand another page with Eve beating herself up.

And as for Phoenix…..all I can say is that I totally understood him….his fears…..his wish to be left alone…..and of course, I understood the love he felt for Eve. He was a perfect barbaric / gentleman!!

The author not only did a fab job in her characters…but also in the story telling. The complete book was a smooth read and I look forward to read more from this promising talent!

Even though I loved this book…..I thought it was a little short. But other than that……everything was great!

The Divas are giving Phoenix by Raine Anthony 4 out of 5 champagne glasses

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Author Bio:



Raine Anthony is the pen name of a British-born freelance writer. She is in her late twenties and has a number of successfully published novels under her belt. She likes pictures of birds. She is an avid reader with a love of laughter, a hatred of high heels and an indifference to a lot of things in between. Her romance novel, Phoenix, was written many years ago and almost forgotten. This year she decided give it life again by publishing it. She hopes that readers will enjoy the tale.











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