Underestimated Too ( Underestimated #2) – Jettie Woodruff

underestimated 2

Book Description

WARNING. This book contains: explicit sex scenes (some forced, some not), intense situations not meant for the faint of heart, abuse, adult language and content.

Money is not the most important thing in the world; love is – so they say anyway. Fortunately, Drew loves money. He wasn’t capable of loving anything else. The more money he made, the more he needed to make. Always chasing a deal, that was the most important thing in the world to him. 

You rode Morgan’s side of the tracks. Now ride Drew’s. You know the things she went through, things nobody should go through. Is Drew sorry for his part in that? Probably not. He’s not sure things would have turned out the way they did had he been the cute little husband the critics expected him to be. He did do things that hurt her and regretted a lot of his choices, but he tortured himself, wanting to do them still. 

You think you know Drew? You don’t know squat. You know what his wife has told you. She couldn’t tell you more than that, she doesn’t know that part of Drew. You want a sappy cliché romance? Move on, this isn’t the story for you. You want all the gruesome details? Stick around, and then you can judge Drew.

Divas Thoughts

When I found out Jettie Woodruff was about to publish Underestimated Too, I admit I was excited and totally frightened. Underestimated ( book #1) was beyond a perfect read ( for me at least ) so I wasn´t so sure what would happen in book #2.

Well, I had all kinds of stuff running through my mind. Will the author do a 1:1 copy just in the hero´s POV? Or will she add a few things to the previous story? WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING TO HAPPEN!!?? Please understand that I am not a huge fan of his and her POV´s. I´ve reached way to many times in a shit hole when wanting to read both characters perspectives.

Three words come to my mind after reading this book. HOLY FUCKING HELL! If the author wouldn´t have a life of her own and I wouldn´t be planning to plant an apple tree next week in my garden for my kids….I would hunt that author down and give her a big fat hug! I loved Underestimated Too. If I could give that book more than 5 out of 5 champagne glasses I would.

Everything that happened in book #1 was tough enough, but reading about how the characters relationship continued was AWESOME! The authors ability to shock the crap out of you is so cool. Never would I have thought Drew and Morgan´s story would go in THAT direction…( haha…now you´re wondering what happened, aren´t you? :-))

The story shows the couple who live a somewhat normal life if it weren´t for Drew´s screwed up ways. The abuse continues but Morgan stays with him!!! Can you believe it? I couldn´t! I would have packed my undies and kids and left! He was still the professional who loved his wife and his son, but the outbursts he had were getting worse, not to mention the reasons for his outbursts. GOD….he would flip for the stupidest reasons. I feared for Morgans life throughout the whole story.

What really happens in this book? Do they get professional help? Does their relationship stand a chance? Can Morgan handle Drew and his dark secrets?

I couldn´t handle his bundle of screwed-up-ness. I mean…it´s a miracle the guy didn´t shoot himself after what he went through. I felt sorry for him one minute, and then a few pages later I wanted to kill him myself. The truth that was revealed evoked all kinds of ugly emotions in me. I loved the bastard…and I hated him. It was frustrating. But in a good way.

What´s kind of interesting is that some parts ( if not all ) in this book come pretty close to reality. That´s a creepy just thinking about that. And I believe Jettie Woodruff did a fantastic job in writing about another taboo-ish subject and make a lovestory out of it.

The end was more than I could have asked for. I was 100% satisfied with the way things ended. I can die a happy person right now..:-)

It was a nasty, dark, painful, torturous, delightful rollercoaster ride! I am so happy and honored to have this book on my bookshelf! A total MUST READ for anyone who loves non-cliché lovestories!


The Divas are giving Underestimated Too 5 out of 5 champagne glasses

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7 thoughts on “Underestimated Too ( Underestimated #2) – Jettie Woodruff

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