Taint – S. L. Jennings


Book Description


Right now, you’re probably asking yourself two things:
Who am I?
And, what the hell are you doing here? 

Let’s start with the most obvious question, shall we? 

You’re here, ladies, because you can’t f*ck.

Oh, stop it. Don’t cringe. No one under the age of 80 clutches their pearls. 
You might as well get used to it, because for the next six weeks, you’re going to hear that word a lot. And you’re going to say it a lot. 
Go ahead, try it out on your tongue. 
F*ck. F***ck.

Ok, good. Now where were we?

If you enrolled yourself in this program then you are wholly aware that you’re a lousy lay. Good for you. Admitting it is half the battle.

For those of you that have been sent here by your husband or significant other, dry your tears and get over it. You’ve been given a gift, ladies. The gift of mind-blowing, wall-climbing, multiple-orgasm-inducing sex. You have the opportunity to f*ck like a porn star. And I guarantee, you will when I’m done with you.

And who am I?

Well, for the next six weeks, I will be your lover, your teacher, your best friend, and your worst enemy. Your every-f*cking-thing. I’m the one who is going to save your relationship and your sex life.

I am Justice Drake. 
And I turn housewives into whores. 

Now…who’s first?

Divas Thoughts

I found this book while looking for a complete different book. The cover and title didn´t interest me much but I still forced myself to at least read the description. I´m glad I did. I thought this book rocked. I had such a fab time reading Taint by S. L. Jennings.

One thing I totally loved was that the story was told from Justice´s POV. I always love when an author writes from a male´s perspective.

Justice….WOW. What a guy. His whole character was a piece of AWESOMEness. From his looks to his vocabulary to his thinking….it was all just fabulous! And not to mention he had the best job on this planet! I mean, how often do you meet a guy who´s practically a sex teacher for rich couples? No, scratch that; who´s a sex teacher for women who bore their rich husbands!

Ally ( the heroine ),…well, I enjoyed her character. She wasn´t one of my all time favorite book characters, but still good enough for me to like. Ally was sent to one of Justices classes by her own cheating husband to be a better wife ( in the sex department ) Uuu – huh. Well, that doesn´t speak volumes for her husbands character if she gets sent away to learn how to fuck * cough cough* sorry. Still, she was witty and fun and definitely learned how to please at least someone.

The sex in this book didn´t blow my mind but it was good enough to keep me reading. Also, I expected alot more sex. That, obviously wasn´t the case. There were some hot as hell scenes and then there were those moments when I couldn´t feel the passion / hotness that was supposed to be there. And that´s totally fine. I prefer not to stay horny while reading a 242 page book ( if there´s a reason to be horny)

And that´s where I explain my 4 instead of 5 out of 5 rating:

I thought the story was too short. I would have loved to read more.

Now to the emotional department: In my opinion…I thought there wasn´t much depth to the characters. Yeah, each character had their own package of hell to carry on their shoulders…I get that. I just didn´t feel any of it. Which isn´t always a bad thing. The story was still great. Taint was pure entertainment for me.

All in all I thought it was a great, catchy, well written read and I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a good romance.

Would I re-read this book?


The Divas are giving Taint by S. L. Jennings 4 out of 5 champagne glasses

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This book can be purchased on Amazon.com